GENERAL RELEASE ___________ and __________________ agree: WHEREAS, certain disputes have occurred between the parties hereto, and, WHEREAS, they desire to amicably resolve these disputes, IT IS AGREED: That in consideration of this agreement, the parties mutually release one another from all claims of any kind whatsoever from the beginning of time to the date of the execution of this agreement, and that this mutual release shall be valid and binding and insure for the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of both parties. This release shall not effect the following agreements between the parties, which shall survive this mutual release and specifically ratified and reimposed by the parties: _________ shall carry _________ insurance for ________ with $____________ limits **************************************************************** READ THIS INSTRUMENT FULLY AND CAREFULLY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS IS A LEGALLY VALID AND BINDING OBLIGATION TO RELEASE PARTIES FROM ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN OBLIGATIONS. THIS INSTRUMENT AFFECTS IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS. THINK CAREFULLY AND CONSIDER OBTAINING LEGAL ADVICE PRIOR TO SIGNING **************************************************************** Dated: ___________, 199___ at _______, ___________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________